SE Reynold's Media Kit

Evolution of Joshua Steadman,
A Sociopath
A Poem By S.E. Reynolds
A wolf in sheep's clothing,
What a boring cliche,
It's been overly used in too many ways.
But for Mister Dreamy-Come-True,
Those words fit like a glove,
Because he's gotten too close,
All in the name of his love.
So you let him in your space,
And watched how he quickly evolved,
From an innocent frat boy,
To a man whose morals dissolved.
But he doesn't stop there,
He keeps morphing within.
To a monster in the woods,
With a forged, cheesy grin.
Does the truth seep through his pores,
Letting you smell his filthy ways?
Or does he cover up with sickly cologne,
Leaving you in your own delusional haze?

Life without impeccable wine is like sex without an orgasm. You might as well do without, so you aren't utterly disappointed with the finish. ~SE Reynolds

Author S.E. Reynolds,
an Enigma
Devil Bug Girl
She was one-year old when the red-eyed cicadas broke out of their exoskeleton shell,
And wreaked havoc in the trees, looking for their shag partner, singing songs like banshees from hell.
Now, seventeen years have gone by as she saunters home all alone on her last day of high school,
Relieved to get away from the cliques, with its fakers and big hair makers with barbie doll boobs.
She takes the scenic way home down a desolate dirt path where maples, walnuts and willows are alive,
Hoping for a place to meditate and dream about the university where surely she will thrive.
In her daydream world she hears only her inner voice, whispering she’s worthy of more,
But unbeknownst to her, the trees are alive with zipping red-eyed bat-winged bugs galore.
They’ve been watching her walk down the dirt path, those devil bugs, so delighted in what they see,
A solus pretty goth girl with long black curls and doe eyes, so needy and only eighteen.
They’ve chosen her; so, one, two, three, ready set go; it’s time they swarm and attach to her, their next pleasure victim.
She tries to dodge them, but it’s no use; they’re too many, and only one needs to penetrate her virgin system.
Later, in the twilight hour just before the sunrise, the devil bug makes its presence known to her,
In the form of something humanly ugly but to her it’s beautiful, causing her body to stir.
That night she gushed and fell in lust with the creatures with scars and deformities.
And now she’s infected, addicted to their touch and desperate to escape human conformities.
She’ll travel with them and be like them and fulfill her instinctual desires,
Forgetting this world of religious agendas that have caused too many to bleed.

Cicada Eye's is SE's new psychological thriller that's in the works. Stay tuned for updates on the story of Misty Dawn and her devil bugs.

The Bordeaux Seduction
I have a love affair with intense Bordeaux wine, the dry sultry kind.
The complex blend that seduces my tastes buds so rare and hard to find.
It starts with quick twists of the cork until it slides out of the bottle’s head.
Then a slow pour as I watch the glass swell with Le Vin deep burgundy red.
One long sniff of its cherry bouquet followed by a teasing sip,
That drenches, while passing through, my slightly puckered quivering lips.
Then it grazes my tongue and seeps through my teeth, leaving a bloody stain.
Just like Dracula’s fangs after his first bite into his victim’s vein.
Then like an infection, it penetrates my throat…
Before it sucks down my taut swallowing hole,
Washing through my organ pipes to my dark soul.
Oh no, don’t derail and try to cleanse my heart covered in sticky tar,
Left by Klingons who defecated on it with their black toxic char.
It’s no use, I’m not here for more abuse, a bottle of red is only good for one night.
One last sip, swoosh and swallow, and a long deep climatic breath in then out
and my red-filled glass goes clear.
“Yes, yes, so good,” I gush….Have no fear, my dear; I’ll be back real soon, because you are an excellent year.
~SE Reynolds